Back So Soon?

I didn’t think I would be back in the hospital so soon but I was admitted last night. After a great appointment at my primary physicians yesterday, everything seemed to be going well until my mom and I went to Target. I went to order a coffee and couldn’t remember what I always get! My mom said I looked confused and I tried to blow it off. Shortly after I had a headache and a slight temperature. I called my doctors and they told me to head to the emergency room, since I am still taking blood thinners they were concerned about a brain bleed. While in the E.R. I had another episode with my memory. I had trouble remembering a couple of our friends and even family members’. Very scary! After a test determined there was no brain bleed, thank goodness, I ended up throwing up which is very unusual for me. They decided to keep me through the night and….I’m still here. Things are better tonight so maybe tomorrow I will go home, fingers crossed. I’m thankful at times like this that I have had continuous “Nikki sitters”. Thank you all that have spent time with me to make sure things are smooth in my recovery!

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14 Responses to Back So Soon?

  1. Heidi & Scott says:

    God’s speed in your recovery. Hope it’s a quick and easy fix.
    Love ya! Heidi


  2. Gregory Mansourian says:

    Prayers are still headin’ your way Rocket! Hopefully they’ll figure it out real soon! GM..


  3. Wally Preissing says:

    Just a bump in the road. We’ve all had them. The team has your back and you’re in our thoughts.


  4. Peggy Lubeck says:

    Well Nikki you do have to crawl before you start running again. Little steps will keep you healing.
    I know how exciting it is for you but we have to remember it hasn’t been that long and you have a lot to look forward to. My prayers are with you. Thanks for the update.


  5. Jamie says:

    Yikes! Yes a reminder of why we do need constant supervision like toddlers after transplant! You just never know! Hope you feel better and let me know what you find out! that is so strange and hope it is very short lived and just a weird and one time episode. One thing I have learned is nothing is normal anymore and weird side effects can happen from all of these new drugs. So glad you thought to call your coordinator to see what was going on! Thinking of you! by the way I was able to listen to Travis speak at the lifesource event last week and saw your video! Nice job, both of you! I actually taped it on my camera if you want to see it someday! Prayers that they figure this out for you!


  6. Tina Elg says:

    Sending loving thoughts and prayers…Love you!!


  7. Berta Klink says:

    Ah, Nikki – sorry to hear about this, BUT hopefully it’s a one time episode. There will be many bumps in the road but with your sheer determination and attitude you’ll get through this. I would love to come and stay with you sometime soon……still lots of organization to get through! LOL I love you and my prayers will be with you always! ❤


  8. Karen Lamb says:

    So glad to hear it is not a brain bleed. Keep up the healing and we’re praying for you. Having been through two transplants was Zachary I know they’re always bumps in the road. Stacy commented the other day that she would really like to meet you.


  9. MaryPat Ruff says:

    Wow, This must have happened within an hour of you talking with me. Sorry for this bump.


  10. Dale Prochazka says:

    that happened to me also with the throwing up and memory loss but I didn’t go to the hospital.
    Went to my Dr shortly there after he wasn’t too worried, but in your
    case with cystic f probably more concerned


  11. Ellen Pasch says:

    Hang in there Nikki – many care and we are all praying!! “The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it”! Love, Ellen


  12. Ryan says:

    Relax and recover!


  13. Angela says:

    Thinking of you….it’s pretty incredible that you haven’t had any major setbacks thus far considering the surgery you had! Thanks for the update and I look forward to visiting again with you soon! xo


  14. Kathryn Archambault says:

    Thinking of you and sending hugs Nikki! Looking forward to seeing you next week!


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